Start Your Day With These Healthy Morning Habits to Change Your Life For Better.

Whether you wake up at 5 a.m. or 10 a.m. the way that you start your morning will set the tone for the rest of your day.
I’m not a big fan of telling people to wake up at a certain time and moreover, we do different type of works at different hours of the day so the amount of rest and ideal wake up time will differ from person to person.
However, a good rule of thumb is to wake up at least two and half hours before you need to start your day by doing this, you will get many things done and be productive for the rest of the day.
I remember a friend of mine working with a company in a moderately populated state with no stress of transportation or whatsoever before he does get to work every day. He is used to the habit of waking up few minutes before his working hour. 
Due to his excellent work at the company, he got transferred to the headquarter of the company in a more populated and busy state. He found it difficult to adjust to the new environment and he almost lost his job because he is used to waking up few minutes before work which makes him to usually arrive late to office.

By giving yourself sufficient time to own the morning you empower yourself to own the rest of your day.

These are my list of highly effective habits for your mornings

1. Drink Water with Lemon and Pink Salt
Drink a big glass of cold water first thing after waking up.
This will help flush out any toxins that are lingering in your system from the night, and help hydrate you for the day.
And, if you really want to kick it up a notch (or two), try this delightful morning cocktail:
·         Big glass of cold water
·         1 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
·         Juice of 1/2 lemon
·         Pink Salt
Mix all the ingredients together and enjoy.
This is the first thing that you should do every single morning no matter how busy you are. By taking time to rehydrate your body, this will provide your body with the required vital minerals it needs to function throughout the rest of the day.
The water will help re-hydrate your body, the lemon will alkalize your body (and taste amazing) and the salt will provide you with valuable minerals and electrolytes to ensure proper function throughout the rest of the day.

2. A 30 Minute Walk in the Sunshine (Exercise)
One of the fastest ways to reset your circadian rhythm and ensure a successful day is to move and get out in the sunlight first thing every morning.
More so. Whether it’s a simple yoga routine, a brisk walk with your pet, a quick set of sit-ups and push-ups, or hitting the gym to work off last night’s meal, starting off your day with movement energizes the body and the mind.
Determine what kind of exercise is right for you and schedule it. It doesn’t have to be complicated, long, or intense, but having some sort of physical activities in the morning will gets your blood flowing.
It’s simply, easy, and very effective.

3. Take a cold shower
I start my day with a cold shower, or at least I start it cold. It wakes you up and energizes you like nothing else, and when you finally turn the water warm, you appreciate it 1,000 times more.
I can honestly not enjoy a purely warm shower anymore because of how much better it feels when you suck it up and face the cold first.
And besides, if you can handle a 5–10 minute onslaught of uncomfortable cold water pouring over your body, all the cold calls and emails you have to handle later in the day will be a breeze.

4. Your Brain Hungers for Knowledge feed it
Whether you read a book, listen to a podcast, or check out a new blog post from your favorite author, you need to feed your brain first thing in the morning.
Follow the famous 20:20:20 routine as soon as you are up – 20 minutes of exercise outdoors + 20 minutes of meditation + 20 minutes of reading (offline) something positive, inspiring and motivational.
This regime is all you need for a healthy body, healthy mind and healthy mindset right in the morning.

 5. Stay Unplugged from Tech for the First 120 Minutes of Your Day
If the first thing you do when you wake up is check your smart phone for messages or work email, you are doing yourself a disservice. 
For the love of God, stop checking your email and social media first thing in the morning.
It puts you into an immediate state of comparison and scarcity and will ruin all of the motivation and momentum you’ve built up so far.
Instead, try remaining detached from technology for the first hour of your day so you can begin your day with present-moment awareness and a positive focus.

6. Meditate Like a Monk
Set aside ten minutes every morning to sit in silence and do nothing.
Seriously, it will change your life.
During your meditation, set your intention for the day. When you get clear on how you want your day to go or what you want to feel or accomplish, you can make clear decisions that create the life you truly want to live.
Note sure where to get started? Here is a simple meditation you can do in the morning:
·         Get into a comfortable seated position and set a timer for five minutes.
·         Close your eyes and focus on your breath.
·         Inhale through your nose for four counts, retain for four counts, and exhale through your nose for eight counts.
·         Every time you notice your mind wandering, gently guide it back to focus on your breath.
·         When the timer goes off, off your counter, but stay seated with your eyes closed for a moment.
·         Set an intention for your day and visualize yourself meeting this intention.
·         Open your eyes, draw your arms up to the sky for a stretch, and then move on with your day, carrying the calm energy and intention with you.

7. Express Gratitude
Beginning your day with gratitude will put you into a positive and abundant state of mind.
Challenges will seem less difficult.
Opportunities will seem more exciting.
And you’ll go through your day with an overwhelming sense of fulfillment and happiness for all of the amazing things that are already happening in your life.
Whether you write it out (which I recommend), focus on it mentally for a few minutes, or share it with your partner, express gratitude in some way every single morning.

8. Eat a Healthy Breakfast
You’ve most likely heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
When you make time to eat a healthy breakfast (lean proteins, healthy fats, and whole grains), you’ll have more energy throughout the day and a stronger ability to focus and concentrate.
9. Keep it simple
It is tempting to try to cram all of our desired habits into a single morning routine and try to effortlessly make you do anything.
The truth is especially when introducing new habits and a new morning routine in general, you need to start small and focus on one keystone habit. This is a habit that, once fully established, can have positive side effects on many other areas of your life.
Choose one or a few habits and do them consistently.

10. Laugh it off
Because life is short and no one has any idea what’s going on.
Laughing is terrific for the soul, decreases stress, and has actually been proven to release endorphins (the body’s “feel good” chemicals) into the brain.
Laughter is awesome.
And, if you really don’t have anything to laugh about, then just fake a big smile.
Trust me, you’ll still feel better. Hope this helps.
You can use the comment box to share with us how have you perfect and healthy morning. 
Start Your Day With These Healthy Morning Habits to Change Your Life For Better. Start Your Day With These Healthy Morning Habits to Change Your Life For Better. Reviewed by Shola on 11/16/2018 Rating: 5

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